Thursday, March 6, 2008

Adventures in polling

My observations thus far in the voting period have done nothing to dissuade me from my initial predictions.

Wednesday, I noticed Mitch Tripple, the Students United candidate for VPA, intercepting students near the polling station in Fletcher Argue. He was a veritable whirlwind of campaigning: he grabbed their attention, directed them to the polling booth and instructed them as his feelings of who is the best slate. No other slate was around.

In University Centre, I walked by three other three other SU candidates. I also saw Ben Singer strolling by from CS, but I didn't see him intercept anyone.

I resolved to return to Arts Thursday to photograph the candidates in action.

Alas, I could only find Sid Rashid, SU candidate for VPSS, who was not nearly as whirlwind-ish, preferring to chat up students. Actually, they were all female students. But I'm not judging.

Someone had also erected a cutesy display with SU gear.

The polling booth was located in Fletcher Argue, across from the Greenhouse Cafe. I observed a girl in a foreign accent directing another student to vote for Students United and pointing to their posters, but she didn't seem to be a volunteer. Perhaps she had been smitten by Rashid.

What have your observations been?

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