Sunday, March 2, 2008

Campaign budgets

The CRO has posted budgets for all candidates (.pdf file). According to the UMSU Election Supplementary Rules, each candidate can spend a maximum of $300.00. Overspending results in disqualification.

I've summed the total expenditures for each candidate. By slate:
  • Clean Slate spent $1382.37
  • Students United spent $992.60
  • Regressive Conservatives spent $380.35
Why the difference? The Regressive Conservatives only ran two candidates, and their Vice-President (Student Services) candidate spent well under the limit. Students United and Clean Slate spent comparable amounts on campaign materials, with the latter somewhat outspending the former. Clean Slate also claimed some food expenses; Students United did not.


Unknown said...

how did they spend that little? they're friggin' EVERYWHERE! Were they not occassionally feeding their volunteers, who have done an outstanding job for them???

Stefan said...

to which slate is your comment directed at?

DG said...

The comment is from (I believe) Ben, from Clean Slate, and he's directing his comments to Student United.

The fact is, not all campaign expenses are going to be claimed. If they're eating food, maybe the campaign did by it for them... but how can you prove it? They'll just claim the volunteers bought it themselves.

It's called cheating with no way of getting caught, and it happens all the time.