Sunday, March 2, 2008

Poster ripping

Usually in an UMSU election, there's some allegations of posters being ripped down by an angry opponent. However, in this year's squeaky-clean election, I'm pleased to note that there have been no allegations (and probably no posters ripped either) — except for my posters advertising this blog.



Unknown said...

I've seen a number of the Regressive Conservative posters ripped down, even if it wasn't complained about.

Unknown said...

I've seen that a number of the Regressive Conservative posters have been ripped down. I guess no one complained about that though.

DG said...

Sorry, Tessa. I have that effect on people.

S. said...

I have also noticed Pierce's face shredded from one of the Regressive Conservative posters, as well as a Students United poster completely covering a Regressive Conservative poster.

brian said...

I've seen a couple Students United posters go missing

DG said...

A few of everyone's posters go missing ever year. If that's all they have to worry about, they're doing alright.

Anecdotally, it seems clear that the Regressives have gotten the worst of it this year, not to mention having swastikas drawn on their foreheads.

Stefan said...

i'd say that they are a pretty oppressed minority, maybe they need a community group made for them?